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NFT stress test

NFT stress test

Metaversal is a Bankless newsletter for weekly level-ups on NFTs, virtual worlds, & collectibles

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Dear Bankless Nation, 

This past week in crypto and NFTs has been one for the books, to say the least. 

Between the collapse of Terra and the revelation of the Azuki project’s connection to multiple rugpulls, there’s been no shortage of major drama around in recent days. 

In times like these, it can be helpful to step back and catch your breath, take stock of your situation, and use a “wait and see” approach so things can settle some before you figure out your next moves. 

In the meantime stay creative, and I hope you have a great weekend ✌️


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🛒 NFT News & Platforms

🏆 Digital Collectibles

<div class="tweet" data-attrs="{"url":"https://twitter.com/hyperloot_/status/1524073468194541573","full_text":"Launching HyperLoot Card.nnA decentralized approach to building a card game and board game 🃏🌏nnhyperlootproject.com/hyperloot-card ","username":"hyperloot_","name":"HyperLoot (Minting)","date":"Tue May 10 17:06:45 +0000 2022","photos":[{"img_url":"https://pbs.substack.com/media/FSaTawOUcAEoyXE.jpg","link_url":"https://t.co/YIhoZSeMvZ","alt_text":null}],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_count":73,"like_count":222,"expanded_url":{},"video_url":null}”>

Twitter avatar for @hyperloot_HyperLoot (Minting) @hyperloot_

Launching HyperLoot Card.

A decentralized approach to building a card game and board game 🃏🌏



<div class="tweet" data-attrs="{"url":"https://twitter.com/forgottenrunes/status/1524435061231157248","full_text":"It hath begunnnSummon thy Warriornnforgottenrunes.com/warriors ","username":"forgottenrunes","name":"Forgotten Runes Wizards & Warriors","date":"Wed May 11 17:03:35 +0000 2022","photos":[{"img_url":"https://pbs.substack.com/media/FSfhm1ZVcAEDJIe.jpg","link_url":"https://t.co/kauriwGpaa","alt_text":null}],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_count":27,"like_count":101,"expanded_url":{},"video_url":null}”>

Twitter avatar for @forgottenrunesForgotten Runes Wizards & Warriors @forgottenrunes

It hath begun

Summon thy Warrior



🎨 NFT art

🎮 NFT Gaming

💽 Music

🌐 Virtual Worlds

<div class="tweet" data-attrs="{"url":"https://twitter.com/othersidemeta/status/1524550010058194945","full_text":"And here’s a sneak peak of the First Trip, the tech demo from @Improbableio. Can’t wait to share the experience with you. ","username":"OthersideMeta","name":"OthersideMeta","date":"Thu May 12 00:40:21 +0000 2022","photos":[{"img_url":"https://substackcdn.com/image/upload/w_728,c_limit/l_twitter_play_button_rvaygk,w_120/r64itud043kgxl0th04j","link_url":"https://t.co/jgkf6wTrFB","alt_text":null}],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_count":5136,"like_count":16055,"expanded_url":{},"video_url":"https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1524549550307950593/pu/vid/480×270/WuezkRjB78x_jDL_.mp4?tag=12"}”>

Twitter avatar for @OthersideMetaOthersideMeta @OthersideMeta

And here’s a sneak peak of the First Trip, the tech demo from @Improbableio. Can’t wait to share the experience with you.

💎 DeFi x NFTs

  • Uniswap (whose V3 LP positions are represented as NFTs) is nearing $1 trillion in cumulative trading volume:

<div class="tweet" data-attrs="{"url":"https://twitter.com/tokenterminal/status/1523697150676586499","full_text":"Cumulative trading volume on @Uniswap is closing in on $1 trillion: ","username":"tokenterminal","name":"Token Terminal","date":"Mon May 09 16:11:24 +0000 2022","photos":[{"img_url":"https://pbs.substack.com/media/FSVCW9fWYAATOjx.jpg","link_url":"https://t.co/mHmqLXu6JN","alt_text":null}],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_count":17,"like_count":52,"expanded_url":{},"video_url":null}”>

Twitter avatar for @tokenterminalToken Terminal @tokenterminal

Cumulative trading volume on @Uniswap is closing in on $1 trillion:


Action steps

Author Bio

William M. Peaster is a professional writer and creator of Metaversal—a Bankless newsletter focused on the emergence of NFTs in the cryptoeconomy. He’s also recently been contributing content to Bankless, JPG, and beyond!

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Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

Read the original article on metaversal.banklesshq.com