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Remembering José Delbo: A Tribute to a Legendary Artist and NFT Pioneer

Remembering José Delbo: A Tribute to a Legendary Artist and NFT Pioneer

The world of comic books and NFT art mourns the loss of José Delbo, an iconic figure whose illustrious career spanned over seven decades. Delbo, who passed away at the age of 90 after a long illness, leaves behind a legacy that bridges the golden era of comics with the cutting-edge world of blockchain art. Celebrated for his contributions to the pages of DC Comics’ “Wonder Woman” and Marvel’s “The Transformers,” Delbo’s journey into the realm of NFTs in his late 80s marked a remarkable pivot in his storied career.

A validator of crypto art

Despite his advanced age, Delbo was among the early adopters of NFT technology, showcasing his work on platforms like MakersPlace and Nifty Gateway as early as 2020. This leap into digital art not only highlighted his enduring passion for creation but also his willingness to embrace new technologies, making him a beloved figure in the NFT community.

A Legacy of Passion and Innovation

The news of Delbo’s passing was shared by his grandson, Nick Frontera, on Delbo’s X account. Frontera’s heartfelt tribute underscored the immense joy that Delbo found in his art, especially during his recent illness, and his gratitude towards the NFT community for its support. Delbo’s commitment to art, even in the face of adversity, serves as a testament to his character and dedication to his craft.

Tributes from the Community

The impact of Delbo’s work and his pioneering spirit was evident in the outpouring of tributes from notable artists, collectors, and platforms within the NFT space. Figures like Trevor Jones, Giannis Sourdis, the artist duo Hackatao, and Panter Xhita shared their respects and memories, reflecting on Delbo’s influence and the inspiration he provided to many. His collaborations, particularly with Hackatao in 2020, were highlighted as moments of cross-generational creativity that enriched the digital art world.

MakersPlace, where Delbo released several of his NFT collections, expressed their condolences, acknowledging his role as both a great artist and a cherished member of the community. Delbo’s ability to inspire through his passion, pioneering spirit, and legacy was a common thread in these tributes, showcasing the profound effect he had on the digital and comic book art worlds alike.


José Delbo’s journey from comic book legend to NFT pioneer encapsulates a life lived in relentless pursuit of artistic expression. His willingness to embrace new mediums, even in his final years, serves as an inspiration to artists of all ages. Delbo’s legacy is a bridge between the past and future of art, proving that creativity knows no bounds. He will be remembered not just for the iconic characters he brought to life, but for his role in shaping the evolving landscape of digital art.

TLDR: José Delbo, renowned comic book artist turned NFT pioneer, has passed away at 90. Celebrated for his work on “Wonder Woman” and “The Transformers,” and his embrace of NFTs in his late 80s, Delbo leaves behind a legacy that spans decades and digital innovations. His life’s work serves as an inspiration, showing that it’s never too late to embrace new technologies and communities.


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