Home » Young Artists and Make-A-Wish International  Turn NFT Art Into Wishes  

Young Artists and Make-A-Wish International  Turn NFT Art Into Wishes  

Young Artists and Make-A-Wish International  Turn NFT Art Into Wishes  

Make-A-Wish International and NFT Kids Magazine  

Launch a Year-long Partnership Powered by TOKNS 

HILVERSUM, NETHERLANDS  – Starting on August 1st, for the first time ever, young NFT  artists are partnering with Make-A-Wish International, along with Kids NFT Magazine and TOKNS, to  grant wishes to children with critical illness throughout the international community. Make-A-Wish  International anticipates granting over 17,000 wishes to critically ill children around the world this year. 

Donors who help grant a wish will receive a “Tokn of appreciation” – a non-transferable NFT featuring  artwork from one of the young artists at NFT Kids Magazine. This unique and one-of-a kind NFT  collection will be available exclusively to donations received through select crypto and traditional giving platforms. Visit https://www.worldwish.org/nfts-for-wishes for details and links to donate. 

The free Tokn is minted to the Ethereum blockchain and held securely in a user-created Tokn wallet. It  can be viewed on marketplaces like OpenSea and proudly displayed on social channels as proof of  support. Ownership also unlocks access to the NFT Kids Magazine community and future NFT drops  made available through this partnership. The blockchain technology is powered by TOKNS, a platform  enabling issuers to recognize and reward users with NFTs using a new “Soulbound” standard recently  detailed by Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin. These NFTs are meant to be held forever and displayed  only by the person (Soul) who has earned it. 


Claira Sozandge of NFT Kids Magazine said, “It is such an exciting time for young artists to create like  never before. We believe NFTs are a new avenue to help create awareness and change. We are beyond  excited to partner with Make Wish Foundation and Tokns to give an amazing opportunity for NFT Kid  artists to use their magic to help grant kids’ wishes worldwide. It’s a true honour beyond our wildest  dreams.” 

‘The pandemic has fostered innovation for Make-A-Wish International – in wish granting and in  fundraising – and we already recognize the potential for the Metaverse and the NFT community to help  us reach every eligible child around the world who needs a wish,’ said Luciano Manzo, CEO of Make-A Wish International.  

“Make-A-Wish International and NFT Kids Magazine are setting a new standard for engaging the NFT  community and recognizing supporters with this innovative campaign,” says Tokns founder Jamie  Tedford. “Providing donors with an immutable, non-transferable proof of support, has intrinsic value  well beyond the transactional nature of many NFT campaigns today.”  

Featured Artists Include: 

Big Deebook – An 8-year-old artist, leukemia survivor and inspiration. 

Christopher Lyons- A 13-year-old future astronaut and NFT artist who works closely with NASA. Eden – A 12-year-old artist whose creations celebrate female diversity and beauty. Joey – The 14-year-old creator of the ‘Adventures of the Potato People’ who inspires joy and laughter. 

Milo – A 9-year-old global phenomenon who will be featured at the first TEDx Youth Festival in Munich,  Germany. 

Rainbow Mosho – A 13-year-old NFT artist and author creator of the 1st NFT Kids Twitter Space.  Sevi Agregado – A 9-year-old fine art prodigy and the youngest featured artist at NFT NYC. Teresa Melvin – A 13-year-old Animation pro and the youngest speaker at NFT NYC. Unicorn Kid Chloe – A 7-year-old artist, published illustrator and unicorn enthusiast. Valeria – The 15-year-old creator of GirliesNFT collection, which helped raise $30k for the Malala fund.  

To donate and receive your supporter TOKN, please visit https://www.worldwish.org/nfts-for-wishes today to make a donation and help change the life of a child living with a critical illness.  

For more information about Make-A-Wish International, visit worldwish.org.  

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Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Founded in 1980, Make-A Wish is the world’s leading children’s wish-granting organization, having granted more than 520,000  wishes in nearly 50 countries worldwide. Together with generous donors, supporters, staff and more  than 32,000 volunteers around the globe, Make-A-Wish delivers hope and joy to children and their  families when they need it most. Make-A-Wish aims to bring the power of wishing to every child with a  critical illness because wish experiences can help improve emotional and physical health. For more  information about Make-A-Wish International, visit https://worldwish.org 


NFT KIDS MAGAZINE is one of the most creative kids NFT projects in the Metaverse. A curator of digital  art by young artists, NFT KIDS MAGAZINE is the first ever NFT publication for digital kid artists on the  blockchain and the biggest NFT Kids community. For more information visit https://nftkidsmag.com/ 


TOKNS is a leading-edge platform enabling the creation, issuance and custody of next generation NFTs  using a new standard labeled “Soulbound Tokens” by Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin. Tokns are  collectible badges of appreciation, achievement, and belonging earned through knowable engagement  with issuers. Immutably minted to the Ethereum blockchain, Tokns are limited-edition, unique, and non transferable. For more information visit https://tokns.com/

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