Home » Pauline Faieff NFT Artist Interview

Pauline Faieff NFT Artist Interview

Pauline Faieff NFT Artist Interview

Can you tell us about your background and what lead you down the path to becoming an artist and ultimately experimenting with NFTs?

 I was born in France and moved to Martinique when I was 7 years old, then returned to France to study and during that time I was able to live in New York for 7 months. Once I graduated, I decided to come home where life is better for me because surrounded by nature.

My birth announcement was like a movie poster maybe it is the reason why I’ve always been a camera lover. In front or behind, when I was a kid it was a pleasure to pose for my father and wait for the analogs, when I was a teenager I took self-portraits and create some videos. I had my first iMac when I was 6 years old and I never left my passion for the web but my professional career did not allow me to explore my artistic side. I’ve always loved photos and I’ve always had a passion for aesthetics, but I didn’t take the time to develop them. Only a few years ago, I started to let my creativity express itself again, thanks to my photographer Greg Jean-jean (@greggskyye) I reconnected with my artistic direction and learned to pose as a model. The photos were good but I couldn’t feel them, it wasn’t entirely me, I wasn’t sure of myself. And one day, we were taking pictures in the ocean, I was naked, and that day, when I saw the results, I felt alive again, like a rebirth. I was confident and happy and since that day everything has changed in me and around me. So we focused on Nude photos and I worked a lot to build a community on IG to share our art. Then a friend talked to us about NFTs and I was curious so I decided to launch my first collection with the pieces I loved the most and now we are here in the NFT community. My photographs are a teamwork, it is a world created by a man and a woman mixing sensuality and nudity or when technicity meets femininity.

When did you mint your first NFT? What platform did you choose and why?

The first piece I minted was ”Sagittarius” November 17th 2021 on OpenSea. I didn’t know much about the NFTs platforms so I’ve just decided to trust OpenSea and it went well because my 1st collection was sold out in only 1 and 1/2 months.

Can you tell us one thing you cannot live without? (and why)

I can no longer live without freedom, I have lived so long for others and not for myself.

Who is your favorite artist(s) (Non NFT)? What about their style resonates with you

I have no specific favorite artist, I am inspired by different styles. As I love aesthetics in all these forms, I love discovering the art of others.

Who is your favourite NFT artist? What makes this artist unique?

I am bullish on Nude artists in the NFT community because I know how difficult it is to work with nudity in the society and I think everyone is unique.

What made you pursue NFT art?

I think it’s the challenge, the novelty and the fact that NFTs connect new technologies with art. But also the censorship which is much less present for the nude art.

What is the one NFT you wish you had purchased but missed out on

I am sure I will find this NFT in the right time.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? Why this location?

Few months ago I would have said Australia or Bali, because I always wanted to visit those places. But since I am more and more involved in the NFT space and I’ve had the opportunity to see new places through amazing artists pictures, I would say a peaceful place maybe deserts or mountains where I can take the time to breath and explore the world.

What are your other passions besides art? Why?

Exploring nature, reading books, writing and physical training because it is what brings me where I am now, more accomplished thanks to my art and NFTs.

Do you make other forms of art?

I am a writer, I love writing it is my peaceful moment.

Are you self taught or trained?

I was never trained to be a model or a writer. I simply followed my hunches.

How did you come up with your specific style?

It happened because of the nature of my island and the freedom to be naked.

How has your style evolved over the years?

In the beginning I didn’t feel comfortable being naked, I think I was too shy and afraid of other people’s judgments. It changed that day in the ocean.

What is coming in the near future?

Always more art and exploration of myself through it.

If you could collaborate with one artist who would it be? (and why)

So much artists I would love to collaborate with, there is not only one but I am always attracted by people who love to take risks.

What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from that?

I don’t know if I can call it a failure but before I was involved in the NFTs space I didn’t let me the chance to live how I feel and I lost too much years to be myself. They say failure make us who we are now so it’s not a bad thing.

What is your biggest piece sold

”Ballade de l’excessive” from my 1st collection ”Pauline’s Art”

How much did it sell for


Secondary sale 1.5 ETH

Do you have any upcoming drops?

On June 2022 I went to NFT NYC with my photographer and we created some amazing pieces through the big city, a mix of architecture and nudity. It will be launched soon.

Link to Website


Social links and NFT marketplace links

Anything else you’d like to share?

my body, my choices, my art ♡ girls should never be afraid to be free Pauline Faieff


The post Pauline Faieff NFT Artist Interview appeared first on NFT CULTURE.

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